Neglecting Our Duties

We’ve been woefully negligent in our primary duties as parents…providing grandparents and friends cute pictures of our little toodler (yes, that is the correct spelling…pronounced two-dler).


Just Kicking It

One of Murrow’s birthday presents from Owen and Evan was a drumming-monkey-with-little-plastic-balls-dealio. You (meaning the kid) are supposed to take one of three balls and push it through one of three holes and the monkey will do a little drumming dancing thing. After 3 months with this toy, Murrow just barely gets it. Every other… Continue reading Just Kicking It


Nightly Ritual Changes

Murrow’s always been a good sleeper (makes up for his eating a bit) and we’ve tried helping him by keeping a pretty set nightly ritual. It has always been that we put him to bed between 8 and 9, with Poppa lowering him into the crib and Kim giving him his blanky. The only thing… Continue reading Nightly Ritual Changes


What a Week

This week has been a big one. Kim and I decided to hold off on having a second kid for a little while, and instead build back up our savings that having Murrow knocked out. In the past week, Kim found a good job with a local publishing company doing page design for trade magazines.… Continue reading What a Week
