5 Diapers and 20 Minutes Later

On Friday Kim told me a great story, but she didn’t think anyone would want to hear about it on this site.  I disagree.  Read below, then vote on the the next page.

Murrow waits forever between poops, often 3-7 days.  On Friday, he graced Kim with a big one, and as normal she changed him.  It was so big she had to use another diaper to contain the overflow before throwing it away.  After putting the second diaper on, she checked him and he had pooped again.  So she changed him again.  After putting the third diaper on (plus pants, socks, and shirt of course) she checked and he had pooped again.  So she changed him again.  After putting on the fourth diaper, she checked and he had pooped again.  5 diapers and 20 minutes later our story ends.
